Operation Cars Game Rules

Mater is getting ready for a road trip, but his gear got banged up tractor tippin'! Grab the tweezers and get to work to repair all his crazy quirks. But, be careful not to touch the siding or get set backwards as Mater's driving. Well, go on . get truckin' - Mater's ready for some fixer-upin'!


Object of the Game

Earn the most money by successfully "operating" on Mater.


Separate the Doctor cards from the Specialist cards. Shuffle the Specialist cards and deal them out faceup so that each player gets an equal number. Place extra cards out of the game.

Shuffle the Doctor cards and place them facedown near the board. Choose a "banker" to pay players for successful "operations". Drop each Funatomy part flat into its matching gameboard cavity.

Game Play

The youngest player goes first. Play then passes to the left.On your turn:

1. Draw the top Doctor card and read it aloud. The card tells you which part to remove and how much you'll earn for it.

2. Take the tweezers and try to remove that Funatomy part, but be careful! If you touch the metal sides of the cavity, Mater's headlight will light up and he'll make more noise than a tipped tractor!

The Specialist

Now all players look at their Specialist cards. The player with the Specialist card for that "operation" now tries to remove the part for twice the payment!

Note: If the Specialist card is out of play, place the Doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck.

The player to the left of the Doctor goes next.

End of the Game

The game ends when all 11 Funatomy parts have been removed. The player with the most cash wins!