Room by Room To Do Lists | Free Printables

So far this week I’ve shared my Days of the Week To Do List Printables and Months of the Year To Do List Printables; I hope you are finding them useful! Today I’ve got even more free printables for you!

This time I’ve got lists to help you organise things room by room…I find planning room by room so much easier than writing one big list for the whole house – breaks things down into manageable chunks.

Room by Room To Do Lists [Free Printables] at The Purple Pumpkin Blog

I’ve used bright colours and cute doodles to decorate my lists – if I was handwriting these, I’d do exactly the same thing – I love colour and my lists are always covered with doodles!! I’ve made them in three different sizes too, to suit your needs. I’ll be printing mine off in A4 size, which is the standard size of folders here in the UK. But I’ve also done them in A5 (half A4) and also the US standard (or what I seem to understand) of 8.5″x11″.

In this set you will receive a whopping 22 to do lists! I’m sure that you probably won’t need to use them all, but I have tried to cover as many eventualities as I can. I’ve got a master bedroom list, plus bedroom 1, 2, 3 and 4 – and then an extra un-numbered bedroom list. I’ve then go lists for what I call a room e.g., the front room, which is really the living room, or even family room. Then I’ve got extra rooms that I don’t even have in my house, but kinda wish I did – like a utility room, basement and attic! Whatever you call your rooms in your house, I just hope that these help you to organise them more efficiently.

Each file is a PDF – just print off the pages that you need from the lists available to save on paper wastage.

I will be sharing my calendar printables later this week too! Enjoy!

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