Medical Software Guide

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Last Updated: May 31, 2024 Published Date: October 18, 2021

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What is medical software?

Medical software, also known as health information technology software, is a blanket category that includes several different software types. In general, healthcare software helps healthcare providers manage patients and practices. Medical software is a category of tools used in medical settings that collect data points on individual patient health for future reference, long-term study of behaviors, or short-term diagnoses. The tools can be found in all sectors of the healthcare and medical industries, from pharmacies and labs to mental health and physical rehabilitation facilities. And with the expansion of healthcare software into wearable devices, medical software has moved beyond the healthcare sector and into individuals’ daily lives. Wearable medical devices store vital signs, aggregate health data points across long periods of time, and can be used in conjunction with records tools to improve patient care and engagement.

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